Often there are cases of chipped and discolored teeth which are an instant letdown when it comes to meeting people. Nothing hurts one’s confidence more than a bad first appearance. Dental Bonding comes to the rescue for those shying away from any such problems. The use of dental bonding is a modern cosmetic approach to making chipped, discolored or disjointed teeth appear just the way they should- Flawless. A tooth colored resin like substance is applied on or between teeth to get the desired look and helps in shaping teeth while maintaining the whole look natural. Often people with decayed teeth and diastema closure issues take the help of this cosmetic method rather than amalgam filling which is considered not-so-healthy. For some dentist to perform a bonding not much preparation is required and is not a process one should worry about as it is mostly painless (unless of course you are getting a dental bond done for filling a decayed tooth).
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This is a process where a restoration of the tooth is done using the dental resin. After roughening the tooth with the help of an acid, the dental putty (which matches your teeth color is applied). This process is often used for veneers, bridges and inlays. Hardening of the putty is done by ultraviolet curing light and after reshaping and repeating similar steps a desired shape is achieved.
For filling of cavities, chipped teeth and to close gaps often putty is directly applied on to the area and is later sculpted. This is a famous way to achieve smile design! These are often called Direct composite veneers but in a generic manner is called “Bonding” For problems like Gums recede, tooth elongation, protection of tooth root and reshaping, Dental bonding is a great answer. As these are often easy to perform and are highly affordable.
The great fact about this is also its affordability. Dental Bonding is the cheapest of all dental cosmetic makeovers. For some person with time crunch, this is the perfect option as in only few visits, the desired result is achieved (provided if there are less number of affected teeth). The time taken ranges from somewhere to 30 to 60 min for each tooth and often no removal of tooth enamel is done. Hassle free and easy to do, Dental Bonding also requires no anesthesia.
One should remember that bonding is after all, not a natural process and the material is not as durable and stain resistant as the natural teeth, and one should be careful to not bite fingernails or chew on pens as these may merely scrape the bonds giving it an unwanted look. Proper cleaning should also be ensured to prevent staining. We discourage smoking or consumption of liquor as these may harm and scrape/stain the bonds.
Dental bonding it best suited for small cosmetic makeovers and for correction of bite pressure. After getting bonds, remember to brush at least twice a day and regularly use mouthwashes to rinse the oral cavity. Remember to not use your teeth as a opener for any sort of can or box as it may easily scrape the teeth taking away the look and finish. Also, such habits often make the edges sharp and are dangerous.
A bond can last from up to 2 years to as much as 10 years. These numbers highly depend on one’s oral hygiene and the number of bonds one had initially gotten. Good care often ensures hassle free maintenance of the bonded teeth.
The cost of getting a dental bond ranges from around INR3000-INR15000 and depends on how much work is needed to be done on the teeth.
Yes there is some verity in this statement and it has often been seen that composite fillings are not that good when it comes to be applied onto the molars and pre-molars as these parts are subjected to continued stress.
Though the primary one is the composite filling, there are also two other types viz. Porcelain and Glass ionomer.
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