Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are like other set of teeth. They are the third molars and appear in the later stage of life. The problem arises if one develops an impacted wisdom tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth develop normally but they tend to initiate problems because of their half-developed structure or fully developed structure for which there is no space in your mouth. This ultimately leads to problems in your chewing, digestion, salivating. They sometime stay enclosed within the jawbone. The common dental problems that the patient has to face are pain, swelling in the cheek, fever, emergence of cyst around the wisdom tooth and significant damage to the adjacent bone.
The most painful and complicated of all dental experiences is the WISDOM TOOTH EXTRACTION. Wisdom Tooth or the Adult tooth that mostly starts to grow, at the back of the mouth, when one reaches the age of 17-25.There are certain people who do not get wisdom tooth at all but not everyone here is so lucky.There may be a single wisdom tooth or two of them. This is an outpatient procedure stating that the patient can go home the same day. One should not ignore this process as it can lead to serious repercussions if not dealt properly.

Wisdom Teeth

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Why Is It Necessary To Extract Them?

We have stated following reasons for you to understand the importance of this process-

  • Gum Disease : Possessing a wisdom tooth makes you very vulnerable to future dental problems related to gum and cavities that is why it is recommended by dentists to get them removed at the beginning stage.
  • Associated Pain : It is often seen that they do not cause any problem during its development but later the pain caused by them is unbearable.
  • Abscess & Cysts : Due to the bacterial presence around the wisom tooth there is often pus formation and rarely formation of cysts too.
  • Cellulitis : There can also be bacterial infection in cheek, tounge and throat
  • Tooth Decay : This is also one of the major reason of wisdom tooth extraction.

Process For Extraction

One must not panic with this situation thinking that even after taking good care of their teeth they are facing this dental problem because it is a natural phenomenon. You must trust your dentist and should take treatment and medicines recommended by him. It is not a prolonged treatment. The patient takes hardly a week to recover after the surgery if he follows his dentist’s instructions.

  • Anaesthesia : The most widely accepted method is by making use of Anaesthesia.It may be local, general or sedative. Each of its type works profoundly in lessening the pain or rather making the patient simply unaware about the gruesome pain that they witness during extraction.
  • Making Flaps for Exposure : The whole process followed involves making a cut on your skin which is near the tooth making flaps for the exposure. There might be a removal of the bone that is blocking the way to wisdom tooth if any such bone exists.
  • Breaking in Parts : The tooth is generally separated into parts for effective removal part by part.
  • Tooth Removal : The tooth is gradually removed and the area infected is cleaned.
  • Suturing : There might be stitches around the area that was wounded.
  • Final Dressing : Placement of a protective layer is done to prevent bleeding from the point of extraction.

Risks and Complications

Contact your dentist if you have any problem regarding medication. If you face any strange symptom do not be afraid to visit him. Some of the risks & complications involve:

  • Pain & Fever : Fever and two three days persistence of slight pain are common symptoms.
  • Dry socket : Sometimes there is no development of blood clot which leads to formation of dry socket.
  • Nerve Injury : Some patients experience numbness for very long periods due to nerve injury.
  • Infection : Some patients also develop infections which can lead to delayed healing and yellow discharge from the extraction site.
  • Bleeding : High amount of bleeding is one specific complication which needs to be addressed by the denstist Other than these if you face some painful symptoms like bleeding in nasal passage, numbness, pus in medicated area and prolonged swelling your dentist must be contacted. You should not delay visiting him.

Recovery Period And Care

After going through the surgery the most important activity that the patient must do is rest. Take ample amount of rest because something as natural as wisdom tooth is deliberately extracted from your teeth in order to prevent you from any future complications.

  • Be on a liquid diet to give rest to your teeth from chewing and biting.
  • Avoid spicy food that may initiate any burning sensation in your stitched area.
  • Bruising and swelling of cheeks is quite normal so use ice pack to soothe it.
  • At least for 24 hours do not use a mouth wash for cleaning and even when the next day you’re engaged in brushing your teeth go soft on the treated area to avoid bleeding.
  • Simply stay away from tobacco products for a week or so because tobacco intake complicates the healing picture of wisdom tooth and makes thing worse.

It can take up to two weeks to fully recover after having your wisdom teeth removed. You may also expeience the following during your recovery period:

  • swelling of mouth and cheeks
  • a stiff, sore jaw
  • pain – especially in complicated extractions
  • Sour Taste in the mouth
  • numbness of face, lips or tongue

Attend follow up appointments if prescribed and follow your prescription of antibiotics or painkillers seriously. Your dentist or oral surgeon is responsible enough to be always there for you even after the surgery and you as a responsible patient must follow up his advice for speedy recovery.
At Rohit Dental Clinic, we have experienced dentists who have helped numerous patients in gettingthis extraction done without any complications or side effects.

Self-care advice

  • You can use safe painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Avoid Gyming or extentsive exercise for few days.
  • You should avoid rinsing, spitting, hot drinks which could disloge the blood clot.
  • Say ‘No’ to drinking and smoking.
  • Avoid driving for first 24 hours especially if you were give some sedatives.
  • Keep you head high while sleeping for few days.
  • Try to take maximum liquid diet or chew from the other side only

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