Dental Implants

Best Dental Implants in India

Dental Implant is an artificial titanium post which is placed surgically below your gum line. They provide a strong foundation for your replacement teeth that are made so as to match your natural set of teeth. Dental implants wither away the chaotic problems of the dentures and act as a saviour from those adhesives. The basic process that is involved in placing the implants is osseointegration. We at Rohit Dental Clinic are among the first clinics to start Dental Implants in Ludhiana, Punjab. We have been giving this service for over 2 decades now. So no one in the region can match our experience.
Dental implants diffuse into your jawbone and make the placement of artificial teeth easy for your dentist by providing stable support. We aim to provide the most affordable dental implants in Ludhiana. To know more about dental implant cost, please contact us today

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Indications for Dental Implants

Indications for Dental Implants

Dental implants is a technology that give us the fredoom to treat all forms of partial edentulism and complete edentulism. If your general health is fine and no general contra indications are present one can comfirtably plan dental implant.

tooth gap before and after repair

Single unit toothless gap with healthy adjacent teeth

In the advent of single missing tooth, you can simple place an implant without preparing the adjacent teeth. Alternatively in dentures you require to prepare the adjacent teeth also before the procedure

partial missing teeth after repair

Partial edentulism with the back (posterior) tooth missing

This treatment is generally planned for Kennedy Class 1 and Keneddy Class 2 wherein the molars and/or premolars could be missing on one or both sides.


Complete Edentulism

When the implantology wasn’t present, the only solution was dentures . With the advent of latest technology and advance prothesis full mouth reconstruction is possible with dental implants

Advantages Of Dental Implants

There are myriad advantages of getting a dental implant done

  • No Need Of Adjacent Teeth : Since implants have the ability to fuse into your jawbone.There is no need to prepare for any ground down to give a support to your newly placed teeth. They tend to become like permanent with time.
  • Improved Speech : There is no risk of teeth slipping between the mouth as in the case of dentures. You can speak confidently without mumbling
  • Durability And No Extra Care :There is no tension of removing or placing it again and again like dentures. It also saves you from the embarrassment of removing your set of teeth when you are about to go to sleep. Implants are so durable that if given proper care they can last a lifetime.
  • Easier Eating : The eating due to implants becomes much easier as the implants are well aligned to do the job and bear pressure.
  • Improved Self-esteem : You start feeling very confident because the implants
  • No Need Of Adjacent Teeth :Since implants have the ability to fuse into your jawbone.There is no need to prepare for any ground down to give a support to your newly placed teeth. They tend to become like permanent with time.
  • Improved Oral health :Overall your oral health improves which also positively impact your overall health.
  • Convenience :Unlike dentures these are not required to be removed so provide comfort as your own natural teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

The secure fit that is provided by these implants helps the crowns feel more natural and convenient. Maintaining a Good Oral hygiene is very important if you are planning to get the implants done. Your healthy gums and timely visits to your dentist will decide the success rate of your implants to a large extent. There are two types of implants that are highly recommended

Endosteal Implants
Endosteal Implants

Process comprising of surgically placing the implants directly into your jawbone.As soon as the gum tissues have healed upto a significant level further step of surgery that connects the post to the implant is done. Lastly an artificial tooth(teeth) is attached to the post individually or grouped on a bridge.

Subperiosteal Implants
Subperiosteal Implants

The only difference from Endosteal implants is that this process involves placing of a metal frame instead of directly the implants. This frame gradually fuses with the jawbone and then the same process is followed.

Post Operative Care

  • Avoid hard foods- In order to lessen the pressure for the beginning days on your newly placed implants avoid chewing of Hard food. Prefer more of a liquid diet.
  • Avoid hard foods- In order to lessen the pressure for the beginning days on your newly placed implants avoid chewing of Hard food. Prefer more of a liquid diet.
  • Good Oral Hygiene- Be responsible enough regarding your brushing habits.Use interdental brushes that will help you to clean the hard areas around your implants.
  • Round of Monthly Check ups- Frequent Appointments with your dentist can be beneficial in helping you to maintain your implants and will ensure longevity for them.

At last the healing process may take 6-12 weeks so you must not panic or anticipate pain just because it is taking long enough. Be in constant touch with your dentist and report him if you develop any side effects like Bleeding in gums, Pus in the medicated area, fever, infection and flap breakdown etc.

Recovery After Dental Implants
Implants must be cleaned after their placement with a Teflon instrument in order to remove any kind of plague. The crowns may be expected to discolour, fracture or may require some kind of repair in and around 10 years. Connections must be changed and modified every one or two years

Dental Implant FAQs

Dental implants are less painful than extraction. The sense of pain is not made evident to the patient through the use of local anaesthesia.

The success rate is as high as 98%. It depends upon the care taken Post surgery and also upon the area in jawbone where the implant is done.

The cost of dental implant ranges from 20k to 30k depending upon the number of teeth to be implanted. It is a lifelong solution to your dental problems.

Anyone can get dental implants. It is important that the general health may be monitored as other problems like diabetes can cause infection or slower healing.

Most of the health insurances do not cover implants. But yous hould check with your insurance provider for the same

We at Rohit dental cinic have been providing dental implant services since inception. Our doctors have been trained at best of the facilties around the globe to give patient an lifetime experience and durability.

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